You can change what local news looks like. We can help.

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Jeannette Andruss, founder of Spotlight Schools, hosting a pop-up newsroom at a community event. Spotlight Schools helps people better understand, navigate and participate in the TK-12 public school experience in Orange County.

We help lifetime journalists, committed organizers, and individuals looking to support their area start newsrooms with impact. We believe people who care should have a say in informing their community.

Learn more about our mission

Our guiding principles...

Cara Kuhlman, founder of Future Tides which is dedicated to providing news for people who work, play and live on the Pacific Northwest's waterways.

A commitment to serving community needs

We support founders meeting information needs in communities unserved, underserved or historically harmed by legacy media.

Nancy Flores, founder of Austin Vida. Austin Vida gathered feedback from Austinites about their information needs at a Mexican American Cultural Center’s Viva México celebration commemorating Mexican Independence Day.

Supporting marginalized voices

News organizations should be representative of their communities: people of color, women, gender-diverse individuals, and those without formal journalism training should be a part of their community's story.

Nora Hertel, founder of Project Optimist, attending a local Juneteenth celebration. The Optimist offers solutions journalism in service of greater Minnesota communities.

Agency for our members

Our founders know their communities best and always have the final say in what's right for their newsroom.

The Latest from Tiny News Collective

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Wichita Foundation renews partnership with TNC, Info Challenge grantees

One of the best partnerships in TNC's brief history is getting even better, with the Wichita Foundation’s Press Forward Wichita renewing and enhancing its initial investment in three local news startups.

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5 Questions with Samantha Carrillo of UpLift Chronicles

TNC member Samantha Carrillo talks about how the Uplift Chronicles serves the Black / African American and multicultural communities of Albuquerque and New Mexico.

Latest News

MacArthur Foundation announces $2.275 million grant for Tiny News Collective and its members

This historic grant is designed to nourish the seeding of grassroots media-making and news entrepreneurship and will allow TNC to provide catalytic funding to Collective members to support their growth and sustainability.

What we can do for you

Starting a news organization can feel like an insider’s game. We’re here to help founders break through historic barriers to entry.

A Network of Support

Our network provides new founders with the support they need to build a newsroom that serves their community.

Lowering Barriers to Entry

We reduce the cost of starting and growing a business to make it easier to get started, and our support allows founders to focus on building their newsroom.

The Right Technology

Our technology resources means you have everything you need to quickly get up and publishing through web and newsletters, experiment with different revenue models and focus on the metrics that help you make informed decisions.

A Supportive Path to Entrepreneurship

We work with expert partners across the field of journalism to get founders up and running and to develop the critical skills they need to build with confidence.

Are you the future of local news?

We're looking for people who share our mission and vision for a world where everyone has a role to play in creating relevant, accurate, and culturally-conscious local news and information.

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Meet our coalition

Learn more about our members

Project Optimist


the art rebellion


Austin Vida

Austin, Texas

Future Tides

Seattle, Washington

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